The Business Community Agrees With Us
The Business Community Agrees With Us
(Click on the names below to take you to the original press release)
"…Employees wait five years or longer for a green card. During that time they can't change jobs, which limits their opportunities to contribute to their employer's success and overall economic growth. Reforming the green card program to make it easier to retain highly skilled professionals is (also) necessary. These employees are vital to U.S. competitiveness, and we should welcome their contribution to U.S. economic growth.”
- Bill Gates, Chairman - Microsoft, Washington Post, February 2007
"At a time when our nation's status as an innovation leader is being seriously and aggressively challenged internationally, the U.S. government should be making it easier for those who are already contributing to our economic growth and innovation leadership to remain in the U.S. on a permanent basis.”
- Ken Glueck, Vice President of Oracle Corporation was quoted in Business Week (July 17, 2007)
“We must (also) reform visa and immigration policies to continue attracting top international students and foreign-born professionals.”
- Bill McDermott, CEO SAP America, Inc., and member of Education & the Workforce Task Force of Business Roundtable, Industry Week, September 1, 2006.
“While the U.S. still leads in innovation, it has about five years to tune up its engine before emerging countries such as China and India catch up”
- John Chen, Chairman, CEO and president of Sybase at TechNet Innovation Summit in California, October 2007.
“Policymakers must come to grips with the potential damage to the U.S. economy and scientific community if many of the world's brightest people decide it is too difficult to work in the United States and take their skills elsewhere.”
- Carl Schramm and Robert Litan of the Kaufman Foundation, Washington Post, October 2007