Friday, September 07, 2007

Immigration Voice September 18 Rally

Immigration Voice is a not-for-profit organization representing the concerns of over half a million engineers, doctors, MBAs and scientists stuck in the quagmire of processing delays resulting in a wait of upto 10 years for their green cards. The organization has grown to over 22,000 members, drawn from various fields and nationalities, since its inception in December 2005.

Hundreds of skilled professionals came together earlier this year to express their disappointment at the volte face by the Dept. of State and USCIS when the agencies announced that no green card filings (485 applications) would be accepted in July. Flowers poured into the offices of the USCIS, requiring the agencies to retract their earlier statements and honor applications submitted until August 17th.

Immigration Voice is organizing a rally in Washington DC on 18 September 2007 to highlight the inefficiencies in the employment-based immigration system in the US. The objective of this rally is to create awareness among the lawmakers and policy influencers in Washington DC and show a strength of solidarity by peaceful means.Now, Immigration Voice would like to ask professionals to come together and voice their concerns in the nation's capital. A schedule of the upcoming events during the rally is given below. Volunteers have organized for buses from various parts of the Coast, from New England to Florida. Also, if you are willing to participate and are unable to bear the travel expenses, other Immigration Voice volunteers can sponsor your travel and stay if you are able to make it to the rally day.

More details are available at
Also contact

Upcoming Events:
15, 16 September 2007(Saturday and Sunday):
Rally Mobilization:
If you arrive on Saturday or Sunday in DC and wish to help, we will need lot of help in giving final touches to the rally work. The work ranges from banner and poster preparation to taking charge of some rally day coordination work like being a marshal for the rally. Nixstor (Shivakanth ) is coordinating this effort in DC. If you wish to help, contact him with your name, phone number, email and when you are coming. Get more details from

17 September 2007:
Lobby Day: Meet Your Lawmaker
Location: Washington DC
Agenda: Members of Immigration Voice are co-ordinating "Meet the LawMaker" events as a precursor to a Rally planned on the 18th September 2007

Evening of 17 September 2007:
Location: Washington DC
Meet up and socialize with other Immigration Voice members
Some lawmakers may also be invited

18 September 2007:
Location: Washington DC
9 AM: Registration begins at the North East Quadrant of the Washington Monument for rally participants.
11 AM: Rally starts for Capitol Building through Constitution Ave
12:30 PM: Rally reaches the Capitol Building. Addressed by the US lawmakers

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